Cold Storage Options for MAID in 2017?

Ok, this might be a long post. I guess the first thing to understand is private keys. A private key is just a number. This number goes through some math and ends up being an address. Anyone can send coins to the address, but only someone with knowledge of the private key can send coins from the address. This is done by creating a transaction and the signing it with the private key. A transaction is like ‘send coins from address A to address B’. Signing is a cryptographic operation and it does not reveal the private key. So the tricky part with paper wallets is keeping this key hidden all the time, but still doing the signing. Think about what happens if you import your private key from the paper wallet into a compromised computer that is connected to the internet. You are then in a race with an attacker to send the coins somewhere. There is info here [Omnicore wallet - the most secure wallet for your Maidsafecoins - #9 by DavidMc0] on how to use Amory to do all this on an offline computer and then use the Omni web wallet to broadcast the transaction.