Code: AppendableData as infinitely expanding DataTree, over doubly linked MDs

What is this?

Implementation of AppendableData, according to design found here: DataStore over AppendableData design
Also a simple EventStore is implemented.

GitHub repo is here: GitHub - oetyng/SAFE.AppendOnlyDb: SAFENetwork AppendableData structure implemented over MutableData, as IValueAD and IStreamAD. Simple EventStore.


  • IStreamAD, IValueAD and MutableCollection<T> implementations.
  • O log n retrieval of single data and O log n to O(n) on ranges from IStreamAD.
  • O log n* retrieval of value from IValueAD (*by caching current leaf we get O(1) after first request).
  • Range queries on versions.
  • Test coverage for confirming the functionality.
  • EventStore over AppendableData.

Additional goodies:

  • Using new language features, such as IAsyncEnumerable, from C# 8.0

Click here for comparing O log n O(1) etc.:

Time complexity chart:


I wanted to try out ideas for how AppendableData could be designed, as to be able to build a datastore based on it.

I reused much of the logic from SAFE.DataStore, but didn’t aim at shared libraries as I wanted maximal freedom in tailoring this.

As I was working on various ideas for Code: FileSystem - Unlimited Size (working on Mock Network) - #21 by oetyng I hit a small road block with regards to Dokan. Instead I started to look at the WAL (write ahead log) like functionality I wanted to implement there. So, I went ahead with what we know about the coming changes, to try them out.

Short recap

Ordered data tree

The basic idea is the same; we have a data tree, which grows horizontally by adding nodes, and vertically by appending new heads at the root. Just like with the MD based datastore, the very first node is both the root and a leaf. The leaf level is 0. Every new head that is added, gets an incremented Level.

Vertical growth:

Horisontal growth:

New things

There are several differences though:
One is that we automatically have a strict order, by virtue of following the concept of an append only stream with monotonically incremented version. Every appended value is stored in an AD (i.e. MD under the hood) by a key which is the version number.


Another difference is that we use the MutableCollection<T> class, which is a combination of a ValueAD and a StreamAD, as to emulate a mutable collection. The ValueAD is what gives us a constant reference to a collection. The collection (StreamAD) that the ValueAD current version points at, can of course never be mutated. So whenever we want to mutate (other than append), we create a new StreamAD, and add the reference to the ValueAD.

Range queries

Very similar to how range queries are performed on B+Trees (this data tree is quite similar to one, but does not need balancing); we find a node and follow its links forward or backwards on the same level. One difference is that we also do this in-order traversal on internal nodes, and not only on leaf nodes. If the data spans multiple internal nodes, it can actually split the range request, and perform traversals of the sub-ranges in parallel.


The API has been changed to reflect the two uses of an AD, so we have:




Streaming data

The most heavily used new feature here from C# 8.0 is IAsyncEnumerable. This has given a lot cleaner code. But it is far more than obscure developer aesthetics at play; while we before could of course have non blocking requests for collections, we would still need to wait for all of them (without custom implementations) before continuing. IAsyncEnumerable lets us yield items as they come in, effectively letting us stream out our data to and from the various points.

When running this with in-memory MockNetwork, the performance actually degraded slightly (roughly 30% - probably due to replacing Parallel.Foreach on decrypting of MD entries, with tasks). But in a real network setting, with significant network penalty, the benefits of streaming the data will shine clearly, since various steps in a process pipe can be executed in parallel (as data is passed on to next steps without waiting for all to be completed in previous step).


The StreamAD supports a specific pattern for snapshotting, in which one entry in each MD is reserved for a snapshot of the 998 data entries (the remaining entry is the meta data).
By supplying a function for applying the events, this can be handled automatically as the AD is growing, every time it fills a segment (i.e. an MD).

Event sourcing

The ReadForwardFrom API supports keeping event sourced aggregates handled in a distributed fashion. Aggregates can by this API be kept synched, through requesting new events since their last known version.
This also simplifies building local projections out of network event streams.

Store any size of data

The underlying logic determines if the data is too large for an MD entry, and will produce an ImD datamap out of it, recursively until the datamap is small enough for the entry.
This is also resolved automatically when fetching the data, so the user doesn’t need to take data size into account.


There’s the default index by version, but other than that any indexing will have to be done on side of the writing. No indexer has been implemented in this solution.

Data access

The combination of linking MDs at same level, and storing them - ordered by version - in a tree, makes access times as good as you could expect; O log n. This is because we can route requests through the tree by looking at the Level, and the range parameters.

Point querying the AppendableData (in role IStreamAD):

Range querying the AppendableData (in role IStreamAD):


  • As the sharp eyed might have noticed, the ValueAD current value retrieval is not O(1) as specified in the design. However, O log n is the second best, so I’m not displeased, and there is a default caching of current leaf node in the DataTree implementation, which effectively gives O(1) on ValueAD data retrieval (after the first request).

  • Concurrent writes from different processes is handled by optimistic concurrency, however in-process thread safety has not yet been developed for the writes.
    Nice type pattern matching in newer versions of C#, similar to rust:

  • The GetRangeAsync algorithm is currently not ordering the data as is, so we manage that by ordering at the client when the data has arrived. This can probably be fixed if thinking a little bit more.

  • It was a joy to write these tests, because most of it just worked. There were only a few minor adjustments. It’s a significant step going from what you envision and have coded, to passing tests, which is that first level of confirmation that the idea works.
    (Some do a sort of TDD where you basically cannot write anything without starting with the UnitTests. I find that a bit inhibiting for creativity. You could say that it’s a small conflict between the creative mind and the satisfaction in controlled growth, expansion and confirmation of the functionality.)


This is a short update, but this stuff contains so much goodies that I hardly know where to begin :slight_smile: and frankly am I bit too tired today to write it all.
Instead of one giant post, I might do several smaller updates which covers various details.


I have to disagree with you there …


haha… yeah it grew as I was writing… I had plans for more though :joy:


Hey @oetyng very interesting work!!!
I thought you’d be interested in, and/or it may be helpful for your DataStore project and research, some code I was also playing around with using search trees on top of MDs. You can get a feeling of how to use this by looking at the couple of tests I wrote: safe_app_nodejs/ad.js at poc-ad-using-md · bochaco/safe_app_nodejs · GitHub. All the logic is in the AD emulation: safe_app_nodejs/ad.js at poc-ad-using-md · bochaco/safe_app_nodejs · GitHub

Here I’m setting a limit of MAX_ENTRIES to 3 just for testing (you can even change it and it should work), and also using only two links to AD chunks (two chilren), but I guess there could be more children, depending on how much querying of old versions is expected compared to just the latest ones, I guess depending on that the tree can be set to have more or less children per chunk.


Great work again @oetyng

Did I read it right that you are emulating MD functionality. How possible will it be to easily reconstruct history for a person/app looking at the ADs after a period of operations? Will it require a special app that knows all the inner workings or can it simply be sequentially scan the ADs fwd/bwd

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Thanks @bochaco!! And very interesting! I will look at that, see what I can extract. Maybe there’s something you can use in my implementation.
Good thing you got with configurable fanout (child count), that should make testing easier. I think maximum fanout is best for both the usecases I’ve modelled (collection/single value), but I’ll expand on that topic when I’ve looked closer at what you have there.

Thanks @neo!
The ADs are built on top of MDs. I just push them into a tree structure, that is constantly unbalanced, and ordered (by version nr). And all that I call an AD.
The AD comes in two flavours: IValueAD and IStreamAD, which are two interfaces implemented by the same class: MdNode.

Stream ADs are supposed to work as a collection, so there we interpret every version as an entry in an append only collection. The API on that interface is designed to cater for the operations you’d want to do on such; GetAtVersion, GetRange, ReadForward/BackwardFrom. The Value AD API is much simpler, just set or get the value.
However, if you want to see the history, you can just cast it to an IStreamAD (same underlying class) and there you have the full API for accessing history.
There is no other difference to how these are handled, other than how we look at them - i.e. through which interface: as a collection, or a single value (latest version).

So I would say that it is very simple to access the history, given that a library is used that knows how to deal with the construct.

EDIT: To better answer your question;
You’d need to know some things about the protocol. But simple scan fwd/bwd would be enough to get to all the data - knowing the full protocol you could however get more efficient access to parts of the data.
So some things that are specific for my implementation is that the stored value can be the data itself if small enough or a datamap (recursively if needed) to an ImD. And then there are a couple of reserved entries, links to previous and next are stored under the “metadata” key. So things like that.