Can we haz GitSafe plz?

SAFE git & github - A Plan

I have a plan for how, but not the time to do this for now (want to get virtual drive done first). So if anyone wants to get this started I can suggest how to build it and help things along thanks to noffle, one of the Scuttlebutt guys, see:

SAFE git remote

We can build a git remote-helper for git with Nodejs using the CLI Boilerplate I made. This will enable people to use SAFEnetwork as a git remote with push, pull and fetch etc.

It would use a similar method to git-ssb to publish changes to a feed which others can consume (kind of pub/sub I think).

SAFE gitweb

If the first part is similar enough to git-ssb it should be a simple matter to modify git-ssb-web to make a web front end similar to github.

Who’s in?

Anyone fancy a go at this? I don’t mind you taking it over, me helping out, me leading, or me doing it in my own, but can’get it done quickly by myself. In fact it will be verrrry slow :wink:

Interested devs, please follow up on the Dev forum topic (cross posted here).

If you are interested or just want to play with git-ssb and git-ssb-web see the following post for instructions:

Maybe a future CEP @dugcampbell?