Brainstorm how to end online tribalism/echo chambers

Excellent point. Even though I’m competent at this in less divisive conversations, I’m going to have to focus on finding the source of disagreement to come from that common ground. This is beneficial in any scenario. In regards to politics, I believe that is why I like Andrew Yang so much. He is very good at finding root issues and focusing on humanity rather than the political stance. Was amazing and yet eerie seeing so many Trump voters like him for the same reasons I did.

Thanks Mav.


Thanks @mav very interesting quotes and good insights.

I agree with the thrust, and the logic, and with you both (@Nigel) about looking for the underlying issues.

I’d add that they are often linked to our psychology, which creates blind spots through conditioning and trauma, individual and collective, as well as our state in terms of cognitive development. There are many aspects to why each of us is the way we are, and often is going to be a different thing causing us to respond (or not) to certain things in particular ways, often keeping us stuck because that’s become familiar, and familiarity creates a sense of safety.

Nothing is harder or more scary than change, and the most difficult, and frankly terrifying is changing oneself: convictions, beliefs, fundamental ground and identity.


Change is not scary, it’s fun!.. we need more change, more progress. Sticking to the status quo, just compounds the problems.
Change challenges assumptions and helps avoid errors. If you consider how the State errors, it is too often rooted in fear of change… which following what mandate they do call on, is also a lazy response. Don’t get me started on the actions they take without mandate!..

Still change takes effort and people are lazy or exhausted and tend to default to what they know… bad for organisations to ever do that, as it risks becoming redundant, and State actors never should… but State binds itself into knots and compromises option to change by aligning with other interests that represent short term thinking…

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