Brainflayer: A Password Cracker That Steals Bitcoins From Your Brain

Passphrases … not as safe as you may think … this could be relevant to Safe accounts I think?

Wondering if a yubi-key like device might be the best way to go.

Passphrases are SAFE, it all just depend on their construction. If your using dictionary words, your just begging for your bitcoin to be stolen. If you use a combination of foreign languages and special characters like so:


Your bitcoins are SAFE. Btw the foreign languages can say exactly the same that your saying in your native language.

I just hope that the SAFE Network also has support for foreign language for the DNS names and maybe brainwallets in it’s universe.

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Sorry I forgot to mention this with a brainwallet. If you want to make a brainwallet? go to:

Save the brainwallet website as complete webpage on your computer
Save page

Completely disconnect from the internet (wire/wifi)
After that enter the passphrase that you want to use, remember the passphrase, write down your publickey so you can still send funds to it and delete the brainwallet file.

And if you have further questions just ask I bite