Back to basics: how Satoshi designed Bitcoin for censor resistance

It was just a first thought, I’m not sure it’s needed for reasons given earlier and the may be better ways to address excess high uptime nodes anyway.

Do you need higher bandwidth the more storage you farm? I’ve got about 10 terabytes of unused disk space, wonder if I’ll have to upgrade my internet connection if I want to use it for farming.

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That’s a good thought… I guess a starting point is to wonder how long it would take to download 10T - and then upload whatever fraction is requested/per unit of time.

I wonder how xorspace is spread over nodes too… if it’s all an even distribution, that would be interesting as some average metric of how busy the network is.


With my current internet connection it would take 11.5 days to either upload or download 10T, if I were to step up my connection to 1 gigabit it would take 22 hours instead. A gigabit connection costs about 50% more than what I pay for my current internet connection but I currently have no use for it. If it’s useful for farming I’d have a good excuse though.

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What If Bitcoin was never meant to be censorship resistant? How did he get to this conclusion? Because of small blocks? Isn’t to be censorship resistant Bitcoin needs to be encrypted? Data on Bitcoin may be encrypted but is data the blockchain? Does Bitcoin validate encryption? Of course not. What if Bitcoin is designed to prevent encryption? Here is a link to Satoshi Bitcoin open source implementation of P2P currency - P2P Foundation. He didn’t mention Bitcoin is censor resistant neither encrypted. Again Bitcoin is not encrypted - data ON Bitcoin may be encrypted.


There is a trade off between transparency and privacy. Transparency of transactions provides better guarantees of the total supply. If the addresses, and amounts were private and there was an inflation bug, how would anyone know?

If you want a system which is more private then you should check out the Mimblewimble protocol implemented as GRIN. There are other privacy coins, of course, but I think Mimblewimble is technically the best and GRIN has one of the fairest launches of any crypto projects out there.

If the supply grows with the size of the network by design, we can derive how many token have been minted by the size of the network.

Does that guarantee this is the total supply? It would certainly be a good indicator, unless someone finds a way to fabricate coins that is.

Do we know with full accuracy how much of other monetary commodities exist above or below ground too? I’d hazard they are best estimates too, with the price ultimately reflecting the reality. Maybe this is sufficient, even if blockchains can go further (at the expense of privacy)?