Article on SAFE Network

Hey team,

I wrote an article on the SAFE Network if you want to check it out and start a discussion. I did my best summarizing and linked this forum. It can be found below…


Tyler Logsdon


What @reivanen already tried to say in another way is that SAFEnet isn’t based on blockchain technology :). I didn’t read the rest of it so hopefully others can help you out.

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Ah ok. I definitely want to get it right… So I know it’s based on IPFS… And the encryption doesn’t happen via a blockchain? How are files exchanged? Thanks for your help!

It’s not :slight_smile: I’ve got no time right now so maybe others can help you out.

Good resources: Documentation - SAFE Network

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@Tlogs This recent blog post should help a lot with your understanding of how the SAFE Network works - Introduction & Technical Overview of SAFE Consensus | by MaidSafe | safenetwork | Medium


I just speed read the article and think it is all factually correct and a decent introduction. Well done IMO.

I expected more from you.

It is factually incorrect even if the general idea would be considered correct.

I just read it as well and it seems pretty accurate to me…what parts are not correct @reivanen?? Did I miss something?

Ahh…my apologies, it does state “Recently, computer science entrepreneurs have taken note of these inefficiencies and developed the SAFE network, a decentralized internet solution based on blockchain technology.” which is not correct. The SAFE Network is not based on the blockchain…

Recently, computer science entrepreneurs have taken note of these inefficiencies and developed the SAFE network, a decentralized internet solution based on blockchain technology.


@upstate & @Melvin thank you for the links I’ll study up. @mvanzyl @reivanen thanks for indicating a specific statement. @reivanen I appreciate that you hold me to a high standard! I’ll definitely make an edit. Do you have any suggestions?

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After further study… instead of IPFS the network utilizes a proprietary distributed hash table @Melvin? And instead of ‘blockchain’ I should use the term ‘local node consensus’ @reivanen? I’ll also site that post @upstate. It’s a great read.

Short of time but this would be an improvement:


This chain-like approach utilized by the HTTP protocol results in slow downloads, the potential for lost or interrupted connections, and censorship by governments and other network administrators. Recently, computer science entrepreneurs have taken note of these inefficiencies and developed the SAFE network, a decentralized internet solution based on blockchain technology.


This client-server approach utilized by the HTTP protocol results in slow downloads, the potential for lost or interrupted connections, and censorship by governments and other network administrators. Recently, computer science entrepreneurs have taken note of these inefficiencies and developed the SAFE network, a decentralized overlay of the Internet based on cryptographically secure consensus among groups of peers. The result is a completely distributed system of authentication and secure storage of data, without any servers, that accomplishes what hitherto had been done only by blockchain technology: secure, global, peer-to-peer consensus.

Here’s the key idea; this is so important because all else springs from this: The network addressing scheme allows allocation of addresses that are unique, and independent of geographic location, while not requiring any servers.


Oops - I didn’t see the refs to blockchain or ipfs - thought they must have been removed already. I was even looking for them. Sorry :slight_smile:


10 years isn’t “recent” :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t forget SAFE has been a long time coming

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“A complex algorithm allocates this web data to the optimal geographic locations”
Personally, I would leave “geographic” out of it, since the allocation has nothing to do with geographic location. This may give the mistaken impression that some sort of preferred geographic closeness is used.


@bluebird @whiteoutmashups @Art I’ve now made edits based on your suggestions. Thanks for your help!