App to block/whitelist content

I’ll give a general disclaimer first: I’ve not had time to read the thread so far, but scanning over it, I did feel a point might not have been mentioned that is unique to the SAFE network.

Similarly to the original point I made in the post on the essence of SAFE apps, a ‘true’ / truly decentralised SAFE app would not have a central database of ‘all content generated through this app’.

Compare: is a central server infrastructure that collects all videos uploaded by anyone. Computers can’t identify/understand all the content, so if you search for terms, all results will show. Additionally, a third-party company is broadcasting this video again, so they have legal ramifications on this act.

A SAFE video sharing equivalent (depending on how the App developers want it) can be more or less centralised. In the same sense that with VHS video tapes, anyone could film and record anything, but if the recording just stayed in their house, less objections are raised. The SAFE network allows users to say: ‘in Jimmy’s house (read MPID) there are these video tapes, and in Andy’s house these video tapes.’

So if a group of people likes to watch videos of monkeys hoarding bananas then they can unite and connect on that topic. If you feel personally offended by videos of monkeys hoarding bananas as all monkeys should be sharing bananas, then you can choose to not connect to groups of people that do like banana hoarding. If in some country banana hoarding is deemed illegal, then the appropriate authorities can infiltrate these groups undercover and try to identify the real people behind the banana hoarding videos.