Anyone interested in developing a Hardware Wallet for MSC and SC?

You could use a trezor so long as you have the seed phrase from when you set it up. It’s a bit complicated, but perfectly possible. This would be for long term storage because HW wallets don’t do omni transactions at the moment. When you want to access your tokens, it involves using mnemonic code converter tools (preferably offline) such as the Ian Coleman one or this coinomi one. You would use the tool to derive your private key for the address where your tokens are, then you can move them. There are pros and cons with this approach and you may prefer to just use a paper wallet which really is just as secure if you set it up correctly.

I’m more familiar with the Ledger Nano S hardware wallet than the trezor, but they are similar.

You may like to take a look at this post, and perhaps the whole thread. There is more detail there…