List of Websites/Safesites & WebIDs (Community Resources)

What’s the recommended way to create public names, upload - presumably not with the WHM PoC as that is creating structures that is not compatible with other apps which are doing this directly, and is quite likely to change?

Can you give us a list of SAFE Browser + Peruse versions that are compatible with each other, and the corresponding WHM versions, including links to the downloads? Also, what is different between them? I’m now quite confused as to what to use to create stuff on alpha2:

  1. for things I uploaded previously. Should that all still work with SB 0.10.2 and if so which WHM to use?

  2. for the latest stuff I’m working on now with Peruse >= 0.6, which WHM should I use?


BTW, I suggest this could be turned into a useful resource here: