About the new "guidelines"

On access to the database and PMs I think some mods do have access since about two months ago.

In order to prevent loss of the forum database, through sabotage of the backups for example, we decided to start uploading an encrypted copy to a public location known to members of the mod team. Not every mod has access to the decryption keys, but some do (I’m one), and so I assume would have the ability to start digging into the raw data. Not easy, but yes, I think some mods do have this access and like @neo I don’t like having it, because it now gives people another thing to think I’m going to explore for my own self interest, or others, and surely against theirs.

Maybe I should just not have said a word about this. It would have gone unnoticed. Well, that’s not me. I don’t deliberately select what I reveal to serve my own interests or for an easy life. That’s what I meant when I said I was very trustworthy earlier.

Now I really want to apologise here to every person I’ve helped decide to become a moderator. I’m still only just realising what a really awful position I’ve helped you step into. I’m sorry. It makes me angry too that we are regarded this way - even though I understand exactly why, because I’ve lived most of my life as one of “us”, and not one of “them”. Now I can see the whole stupid mess that humans are when it comes to governing ourselves at scale. And it makes me disillusioned.

Coming back to mods and access to PMs… the question for the community then: should we continue with this practice, or modify it, or what…

OMG another lengthy discussion arises out of openness… just sayin’ …but it is, and us mods are expected to debate all this internally again, and with everyone in the community who wants their say. It’s endless.

So I think we’re headed two ways… unmoderated, or moderated but without detailed discussion of so many issues. Or if you think “we” can do better, here’s the baton, I’m placing it on the floor as I don’t see any hands asking for it. Look, it’s yours…

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