A new programming language to write complex apps with on the SAFE Network

If there was some component of your language that was read during running of any code written in your language then there will be the PtD (pay the developer) reward that occurs with any GET of your APP(/Components)

There is no mechanism in the SAFE network to pay anyone when data is “PUT”. Any “commission” would need to be at the application level and obviously the uploader decides. Maybe write an APP to make it easy to develop user code in your language, thus you get PtD every time someone loads the IDE to develop code using your language.

There are many avenues for a language developer to earn off the development. for example

  • any libraries (if any) When read PtD if in APP form or PtP would be paid
  • PtD rewards for the “compiler” use or interpreter use (if any compiler/interpreter)
  • Development environment (IDE)
  • Example code (if PtP is implemented)
  • and I am sure there is more

But I will mention that if you do not make it open sourced then you can expect people to shun the language. No trust and all that.

Its actually Pay-the-Provider

I know it was often referred to as pay the producer but actually its really the provider of the content and not necessarily the producer. There is many works in the public domain and any one who uploads a copy is really only the provider.

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I fully understand your concerns about funding the development of open source software. Man gotta eat :grinning:

That being said, I don’t see a lot of value in a closed source programming language: Will you be the sole maintainer of the language? That would cut you from a wealth of expertise out there and ensure your language will remain niche forever (except if you manage to raise tons of funds and you could scale up, but then I may have trouble trusting the faceless corporation you may have become :slight_smile: )

If your language was popular and closed source, it probably wouldn’t take much for someone to reverse engineer an implementation from the standard anyway (which has to be public so people know how to code), and make that open source. I would probably see that “fork” gain more traction over time.

On another hand, the SAFE Network may give us an opportunity to finally make open source work as an activity that can earn you some funding: if you’re developing a badass language and you’re active about it; let them fork your code. You’ve got nothing to worry about: you’re adding value to the language every day. Everyone knows your fork is the correct one and other forks are just scams. The only situation where you may have to worry is if someone forks your repo and starts adding more value than you. If that happens, you probably want to work with them. Else, maybe both projects have different aims and can co-exist.

It’s your call, of course, but imho, there is no future for a closed source programming language. Not in 2018, anyway. However, there may be a future to open-source development that pays the bills and I think that’s a super exciting prospect :grinning:


Thank yoy for answering my question. I just want to tell you that I understand what you are saying. Someone talked about Wolfram language: I think that this is not exactly the same case, because Wolfram, ot Mathematica, have a huge user base. While Wolfram’s expansion could be compromised, It’s going to increase it user base, because it’s a proven good product (excelent product I could say). On the other hand, and please, don’t take me wrong, it’s your new known language, that perhaps is a good choice, but… how could you or anyone ask money for a good (or better) laguage “just on paper” that has no user base but it’s developer/s? I think, and perhaps I’m wrong, there there are many ways of making money with a language: writing a book on it, giving master classes, consulting, and why not, even developing on the language you have created, where for sure you will be “the best programmer/project leader” a company could hire, because you are the one that knows the most about it, for obvious reasons…

So, I really think that when we are talking about a programming language, perhaps the wisest choice for a short term success could be making it open source, and of course, leading the project.

So, where’s the link? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

PD: Thank you very much for your answer and your help.


Thanks for all the replies guys, it’s definitely made me more optimistic about open-sourcing this project :smiley:.
And with the regards to the Wolfram language, I hope that Zia can go beyond it in terms of syntactic flexibility. For example, setting the precedence of operators in Wolfram seems to be an advanced feature (see Complex Patterns and Advanced Features—Wolfram Language Documentation) whereas setting the precedence of operators in Zia will be a central feature. Also the distinction between which symbol is an operator and which represents data appears to be more rigid in Wolfram than what I propose for Zia. And of course Wolfram isn’t open source, so an open-sourced Zia will occupy a different market.

Out of interest is anyone going to the London meetup today?


Any similarities to eve or RDP?


I’m not sure about the user interface yet. I originally tried just accepting stdin but that’s really awkward. I could make a nicer REPL by using the crate, “linefeed”.
I’ve also been researching how to host SAFE apps on the alpha 2 testnet but if I want to use my rust code I’ll either have to make an electron app which users would have to install or compile a whole rust program to WebAssembly and host it like that as demonstrated here.

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I’ve recently merged both repos together into one on github.

The interactive shell izia is used to program in Zia from the command line and if you’ve installed cargo then cargo install izia will install v0.1.0.

Check out the README for izia.


Can you make a video explaining or maybe coding an example program?