A discussion on the Privacy of the SAFE Network

Sorry I should have been more specific, I meant malware on a users computer (client side).

Now that is sadly very true haha!

Really good points you bring up, thank you for sharing.

Fabulous read! Thanks for sharing. I really was not aware of the concept of identities…

If this works the way i think it does then could this be a way to help increase anonymity?

I suppose this really does get to the crux of the matter. As @nice said above privacy is not the same as anonymity. The SAFE Network could definitely be said to ensure privacy, certainly when encrypted data is concerned.

What I am really concerned about is websites like Wikileaks etc being hosted on the network. These will be made up of ‘public’ files on the network, there addresses are known to anyone who can access the site. For the people uploading the data though, their XOR Account Address (as far as I am aware) is tied to that data. So for example, if a user uploads a cat picture (that’s ‘public’ and I know the address) I can see the exact XOR Account Address that uploaded that data. So, for example, if I as an organisation performing an investigation into a website like WIkileaks can somehow act as a ‘bad party’ Proxy Node, I could figure out the IP addresses that correspond to particular XOR Account Addresses. That is how I understand it anyways. So doesn’t this really hurt the usage of the network by people that need anonymity?