5-4/3/2(022) Playground! [Offline once more ]

SooOOooOoo. While there’s no prebuilt files as the CI run failed to generate a new release… (to be investigated during the week). There is another incarnation of the playground up again now, with the nodes attempting to reconnect at least once on fail. (Which while not comprehensive – there’s changes coming soon to help more here – should hopefully stem the tide of harsh ProposeOffline messages we were seeing yesterday. :crossed_fingers:

I have put nodes built from the latest commit on main up on DO.

Access is as OP. Same test files exist, same need to remove ~/.safe before you start. There has been a split. At the time of writing I can get the files listed in OP fine.

If you’re just putting/getting, you can use the cli from the install script. :+1:

If you’re wanting to join with a node, you’ll have to build yourself manually I’m afraid (to ensure that your node gets the latest connection retry code).

Sorry about that!